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We live in interesting times, friend. Yet, perhaps people have generally always been tempted - irrespective of time or place – to consider theirs the most exciting of times?  In any event, a case can be made that there never existed a time more… changeable.  In particular, our current age is arguably unprecedented by virtue of the rapid pace of technological change, and the concomitant access to information.  Of course, these ‘benefits’ (if that is indeed what they are) are not experienced by everyone.

Like many worriers today, people of past generations have also been hesitant to embrace change, especially after the sun passes the high noon of their lives.  The very first thing, therefore, that anyone who feels truly concerned with the effects of current ‘progress’ must ask themselves is: how do I know for sure that things are changing for the worse? Only then can one seriously go about seeking solutions.

Within the walls of this virtual space, Jelte tries to capture and communicate some of the trends facing our time that he sees as being particularly worthy of attention.

Cirriculum Vitae


electronic mail:


Jelte Harnmeijer
Center for Astrobiology & Early Earth Evolution
Department of Earth and Space Sciences

University of Washington

Department of Earth & Space Sciences

Box 351310
Seattle, WA, 98195-1310

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.