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AdBusters: The Inside Story
unpublished [June 2006]

AdBusters has rapidly become emblematic of the liberal movement. But who are the people behind it? Do they ride bicycles to work and eat only raw vegetables? And are they winning?

Astrobiology and the Search for Meaning: An African Boy's Perspective
In The Astrobiology Newsletter [January 2006]

I spent most of my life in Southern Africa. Like a grain of Kalahari sand carried in the Okavango River that suddenly finds itself – quite unexpectedly – in the fertile Okavango Delta, the river of life somehow carried me to UW’s Astrobiology Program where I found myself surrounded not by Gemsbok and Fish Eagles but rather by some of the best astrobiological thinkers...

The new all-American plan for HIV/AIDS in Africa
with Emi Maclean, In The Washington Spark [July 2005]

The announcement of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) was met with both eagerness and skepticism when it was first announced by President Bush during the 2003 State of the Union address. The plan promised, for the first time, a commitment to attack the deadly AIDS scourge with more than just measures of prevention. Explicitly, PEPFAR promised $15 billion over five years to provide care and treatment for HIV/AIDS in fifteen severely affected countries. Activists, medical professionals, and the HIV affected expressed concern about what was left unsaid, however.

Wolfowitz for Africa
In The Washington Spark [June 2005]

Liberal advocacy groups came out forcefully against President Bush's recent surprise nomination of Paul Wolfowitz as president of the World Bank. Many fear that Mr. Wolfowitz will pursue a policy tainted with U.S. economic and strategic interests, shifting the Bank's -already contentious- focus away from its' stated goal to "fight poverty and improve the living standards of people in the developing world".

Voting Against Occupation: Iraq's Election Results
with Douglas Whitehead, In Ruckus [Vol. 8, Iss. 4, February 2005]

7,200 candidates, organized into 83 electoral blocs. 75 seperate attacks and 44 killings by the Iraqi Resistance. That’s a lot of democracy, eh? Invasions and corporate interest aside, what were the results of the Iraqi election?

The Rape of Data/Bush v. Science
with Nicolás Pinel, Tarek Maassarani, Bonnie Chang and Beth! Orcutt,In Ruckus [Vol. 8, Iss. 5, March 2005]

In this article we set out to show, through examples drawn from recent policy proposals and implementations, that the current U.S. administration is actively and effectively reducing solid science into a political tool through a series of determined maneuvers that undermine the vital relationship between science and public policy.

Turmoil in the Himalayas and the Dawn of a New Era
In Ruckus [Vol. 8, Iss. 4, February 2005]

Nepal, remembered by every ones’ parents as the primary destination for high-altitude, low-cost karma (not to mention hashish) has recently seen the second subduction of its’ government in about as many years. Ruckus investigates what’s up and what’s down on the roof of the world.

Two views on Hotel Rwanda
with Beth! Orcutt , In Ruckus [Vol. 8, Iss. 4, February 2005]

Two reviews of the movie Hotel Rwanda. One by an enthusiastic yet critical Beth! Orcutt. One by a furious Jelte Harnmeijer. But which is right? Will we ever know? And is there a God, and if so, what does he have to say about Rwanda? Read on for answers to these and other questions.

Africa's Stolen Revolution: The Story of Moçambique
In Ruckus [Vol. 8, Iss. 3, January 2005]

Moçambique is one of those countries that few Americans will ever hear about, and even less will ever get to visit. From our privileged view atop our victorious post-Cold War balcony - built with the tropical hardwood, and carried upon the broken backs, of our brothers and sisters in the Southern lands - we should steal an occasional glance downwards at that continent so easily overlooked: Africa.


Country Focus: Tibet

In the Shadow of Rachel Corrie

That's Our George Dubbya

Country Focus: South Africa

DieBold or Die Free?

Edward W. Said 1935-2003

Country Focus: Colombia

How Hippie is your Department?

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